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18 novembre 2015

#yeswegreen Abd Al Malik: je lutte contre la pollution avec des gestes simples

#yeswegreen Abd Al Malik: je lutte contre la pollution avec des gestes simples
Abd Al Malik : #LaPlanèteVousDitMerci - vidéo Dailymotion C'est devenu une sorte de principe : " Je ne veux pas avoir de voiture pour ne pas contribuer à la pollution, qui est déjà là. " Adb Al Malik Et vous ? Pour quel geste...
17 novembre 2015

Extroverts and introverts take “dramatically different approaches to work and social processes,

Extroverts and introverts take “dramatically different approaches to work and social processes,
How to Be Good at Managing Both Introverts and Extroverts Create a FREE account to: Get 15 free articles per month* Access to personalized content Save articles and create shareable folders in your personal HBR library Get 20% off your first order using...
16 novembre 2015

Leaders should be a "thermostat," adjusting the temperature in the room.

Leaders should be a "thermostat," adjusting the temperature in the room.
Five great pieces of advice from Fortune's Most Powerful Women Here are a few of the best nuggets of wisdom from this accomplished group of women.
16 novembre 2015

Make a habit of asking questions and seeking advice.

Make a habit of asking questions and seeking advice.
10 Things Highly Successful Female Leaders Should Never Do What's the secret to success? Sorry to break the news, but there's no magic formula. Even so, you'll find a few common qualities the best leaders in any field share. A big chunk of success comes...
16 novembre 2015

An alternative in management : “watch and learn” approach.

An alternative in management :  “watch and learn” approach.
Is Your Company Encouraging Employees to Share What They Know? Many of the things we need to know to be successful - to innovate, collaborate, solve problems, and identify new opportunities - aren't learned simply through schooling, training, or personal...
16 novembre 2015

Le management est l'OS (système d'exploitation) des organisations humaines.

Le management est l'OS (système d'exploitation) des organisations humaines.
Alexis Nicolas : "Le Management Hacking vise à apporter à la fois performance et bonheur" |... - La revue en ligne des pratiques collaboratives : Entreprise 2.0, réseau social d'entreprise, Knowledge Management, communautés de pratique, Social...
  • Management is an art and a science. if leadership entails more than analytic and statistical skills, it would make sense for businessmen to look at the creative and performing arts to learn something about their own endeavors...
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